AIBA Silver Medal 2012, AIBA Bronze Medal 2010; BrewNZ Gold Medal & Best in Class 2008
Characteristics: A fruit beer with a uniquely New Zealand perspective. We’ve teamed boysenberry with a Belgium style wheat beer to come up with a very berry beer that’s best served well chilled.
Color: Burgundy
Alcohol: 6.5% by volume
IBU: 12
Yeast: Belgium Wit
Malt: Gladfield Lager Malt, Australian Wheat malt, Australian Caramalt
Hops: Riwaka, Pacific Gem
Boysenberry: 15% by volume
Availability: Summer Seasonal
Brewmaster’s Remarks: Redolent of the Belgium-style kriek beer with a Kiwi twist. A light flavoured wheat beer brewed with a generous serving of berry to create a dark red brew with pink bead. Its the 180 kilos of boysenberry we put into every 1200 litre batch that accounts for the full flavour and strong colour. It’s no surprise that it’s all berry up front, fat and smooth through the middle with a dry finish. The yeast provides hints of spice and orange for added complexity. Perfect served in a glass. Or two.