Our specialty seasonal range has a beer for every season – and some in between. Made to share, generally higher in alcohol, these beers may take three or four years of trial before they reach the standard required for the Invercargill Brewery Label.

Smokin' Bishop
Manuka Smoked Bock
A German style bock beer using our own Manuka smoked malt to give a distinctive smoke character that’s balanced out with the richness of the bock using our own yeast.
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Fruit Beer
A fruit beer with a uniquely New Zealand perspective. We've teamed boysenberry with a Belgium style wheat beer to come up with a very berry beer that's best served well chilled.
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French Farmhouse Ale
Saison is French for Season. Originally this style was made at the end of winter, heavily hopped to preserve it through the summer months so it could be doled out to workers at harvest.
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Strong Scotch Ale
Based on a strong scotch ale it combines full malt richness with a wee dram of peat smoke, the combination of smoke and alchohol make this a perfect fireside tipple for cooler climes.
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